January has come and gone and half of February has past by my in a blur. I've been sick. First I had pneumonia. Yay me ... and then I got conjunctivitis. The pneumonia was the remnants from a viral bug that did the rounds, so this all started even before my lungs flooded. And so, I've been miserable and not doing much.
But I managed to venture outside this week and found the farm just keeps on going whether I'm there or not. I found a nice harvest of broccoli in my greenhouse, savoy cabbage heads beginning to form, baby brussel sprouts filling the plants, and a couple of heads of lettuce tucked into leaves from the wisteria.
I love growing broccoli over the winter. It's sweeter and I don't have to contend with cabbage moths destroying my plants or picking the worms out of the heads like I do if grow them in the spring time. Plus it gives me a green harvest in the middle of winter which is very welcome indeed.
I also found baby bunnies. These guys hopping around happily.
There are four in that nest box snuggled together if you can't tell. Four is our average litter of kits. Sometimes we get six or seven at a time but four seems to be the best number for the moms to handle and in terms of good growth on the babies. Some people might remove some of the babies to have a better outcome overall with bigger litters, but I'm too squeamish to do that and feel like nature can handle that on her own. I just deal with what we get.