Thursday, January 21, 2016

Writing, Goats, and Lots of Time

I bet anyone who might still be following this blog will be shocked to find a new post on it. I've been thinking a lot about the farm lately and resuming my blog about it. The last two years has been a roller coaster of activity in my life. Writing has taken center stage. Fiction writing, that is. Writing about writing. Promoting writing. Sharing writing. Being a writer.

I had no idea what I was getting myself in when I started down this path.

My farm life has turned into my mecca even more than it originally was. It's my retreat. It's the part of me I don't share too much any more. And that's a shame, really, because I do enjoy it so much.

Since my last post a lot has happened on our little farm. The two boar goats we started out with have been replaced by their son and a female Alpine plus their two babies.

This cutey is Adelaide, a boer/alpine cross. This is one of my favorite photos of her when she newborn ... about 6 hours old or so. A friend was concerned that she was laying down but goats often lay down especially as they get older. This one didn't stay on the ground too long. She is the bounciest jumping baby ever and routinely greets us by jumping up on top of the stall partition wall. 

This is a pic of mama Raphaela and both babies when they were around a month old. Remington is on the left and Adelaide on the right. Remington is actually a calm sweet male much like his daddy, while Adelaide is the wild one like her mama.

Speaking of her mama ... I milk her. Even when the babies were nursing, she gave me about three gallons of milk a week, which is way more than we'll ever drink. I've been making cheese with it, like this:

We are quite pleased with the flavor and abundance of it. I just wish I had the facilities to age it properly but I have managed to make some decent cheddar with it as well as chevre and mozzarella. Just one more notch in my homesteading stick.

So I guess since I'm reviving this blog for my farming things, I'll have to try and keep up with it. Winter is upon us though so there isn't a whole lot to write on for now, but seeds will have to be planted soon and the goat keeps on giving milk and new chicks will arrive so we shall see what the future holds.

Keep on learning!!