5 September 2012
Week 5
Yikes! Where did the time go? I've been trying to post on Sunday or Monday for a late but here it is Wednesday and I haven't even thought about what I'm blogging on this week ... or er, um, ... last week. I can't even remember what we did last week. It's all such a blur.
Let's see ...
1. killed a lot of squash bugs ... but there's still more everyday to kill. Where do they all come from?
2. got more garden planted ... here's a pic of Morgan planting beans for her gardening project.
3. built shelves in the garage out of free pallets from the local lumber yard but I forgot to take pics along the way so you'll have to use your imagination, I guess (kind of funny - free lumber from the lumber yard!)
4. Oh, yeah, I worked three days. That's where a lot of time went. How could I forget that?
5. We rehung the waterer in the coop so that it wasn't hanging by the doorway where they all crowd in and spill it everywhere. (now they just spill it in the middle of the floor instead ... sigh)
6. watered the garden a lot ... since it decided to get hot again
7. went to my mom's vocal concert in Stillwater ... not bad ... and that's all I'm willing to publish
8. son came home from college for the long weekend
9. went to the well and got water
10. went to the movie and saw BRAVE ... it was interesting but I'm not sure what the point was other than you have to be brave to face up to a bear. kind of knew that already only I always called it being stupid, rather than brave
That's ten things. Is that enough?
Of course that's not ALL we did. I also spent some time this week just scratching my head in wonder and throwing out the odd question or two on matters regarding Heirloom seeds, the bashing of anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with what's being said, and God.
I love this.
I don't know where it came from originally or who first posted it where. One of my "like" pages on facebook shared it and I passed it on. In this day and age when it seems like so many people are only concerned with loving those who agree with them or bashing those who don't agree with them ... whether that's politically or medically or educationally or religiously or environmentally ... THIS is how I feel. It's one thing to promote what you love and agree with and allow others who are like minded and interested to learn from you or share in your love. It's a whole different matter when people start bashing what they hate and pretending that is how they are promoting what they love.
If you love organic food, GREAT!! Go gagga over organic food and tell me everything and anything about organic food and it's greatness ... but don't start telling me I have to hate non-organic food.
If you love heirloom gardening, GREAT!! Go bananas and share the excitement you have over planting only heirlooms ... but don't tell me I can't plant a hybrid tomato and start posting every hate message about GMO's you've ever read.
The world is so full of hate and bashing and abuse of others who are "not like me". It's time for something new and something better for our world than that. Promote what you love ... and leave it at that. Just stop before you go that other step. It is enough to say "I like chocolate" without adding "but I hate strawberries". It really is enough.